



How do i fix Session Fixation in PHP/cakephp. I am on a shared host.

EDIT i am on a shared host how can i enable it if i dont have aces to php.ini

+1  A:

Do a little bit of searching first, okay? ;)

Delan Azabani
+2  A: 
  • Set session.use_only_cookies=true. It's harder with cookies than POST/GET parameters to inject and/or social-engineer a session id.
  • Set session.cookie_httponly=true. Not really because of session fixation but session hijacking ...anyway, there shouldn't be a good reason for a client-side script to be able to read the session id cookie.
  • Use session_regenerate_id() as often as you deem necessary; at minimum every time a login is attempted.
i am on a shared host how can i enable it if i dont have aces to php.ini
Web Developer
Both session.use_only_cookies and session.cookie_httponly are markes as PHP_INI_ALL. I.e. you can set the values via ini_set(), before you call session_start(), _every time_ before you call session_start().