




I have created a basic set of classes with methods for doing accounting.

My Ledger class allows you to maintain a basic ledger which allows you to obtain the current balance, and to perform transactions on the ledger that adds a new LedgeEntry.

I have this generic ledger system working well.

Insider Ledger is my LedgerEntry collection which is a List entries.

Now, I want to use this to create Billing / BillingEntry entities (which map to say BILLING and BILLING_ENTRIES table) and CustomerCredits / CustomerCreditsEntry entites (mapped to CUST_CREDITS; CUST_CREDITS_ENTRY).

I would like to create these classes by extending from Ledger and LedgerEntry. The parent entity class (Ledger, Billing, CustomerCredits) can be easily mapped to a different table using the @Table annotation.

But I'm not sure how to handle the replacing the LedgerEntry entities with their corresponding BillingEntry, CustomerCreditsEntry.

Edit 2010-09-24:

I just gave up and am having all Ledger-derviced entites go to child LedgerEntry entities (for now).

The problem here, I think, is that I can't make methods in a parent class that refer to objects that would only exist in the inherited class?


It sounds like the purrrfect scenario for generics :)

I imagine something like:

public class Ledger<T extends LedgerEntry> {
   List<T> entries;
   // getters and setters

public class CustomerCreditsLedger extends Ledger<CustomerCreditsEntry> {

And probably for wiring up JPA with the table inheritance take a look at: http://www.jpox.org/docs/1_2/jpa_orm/inheritance.html (it is old, but seems to be correct and figuring the annotation-based config out is not that hard). From what I read you should be looking at JOINED or TABLE_PER_CLASS strategies.

You can't map such a model with JPA (the generified collection).
Pascal Thivent
I'm using the JOINED approach to instantiate the different tables for the different entities that inherit Ledger. That works fine. The problem is that what I really want is to instantiate the different tables for the child entities that inherit from LedgerEntry...