My goal is to safely open a web page in a users default browser. The URL for this web page is considered "untrusted" (think of it as a link in a document opened with this software, but the document could be from anywhere and the links in it could be malicious)
I want to avoid someone passing "C:\Windows\malicious_code.exe" off as a URL
My current thought is to do something like this:
Uri url = new Uri(urlString, UriKind.Absolute);
if( url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps )
Am I forgetting about anything else that my 'urlString' might contain that makes this dangerous (e.g. a new line character which would allow someone to sneak a second process to be started in after the URL or a possible execution of a relative executable starting with http)?
I'm pretty sure both of those cases are handled by this (as I don't believe Process.Start allows you to start two processes as you would in a BATCH file and this should only allow strings starting with http: or https: and are valid urls)
Is there a better way to do this in C#?