




Is there a way/tool/library out there that can programmatically remove the image (ie cover artwork) from an mp3 file?

(The ability to do it in Java would be a bonus.)


Just in case...

...anyone is wondering why I want to do this, we're hitting a bug in the otherwise excellent JavaZoom mp3 player library. I have contacted the author to see if we can pay to get the bug fixed, but I'm hoping there's a workaround in the meantime. I did look at fixing the code myself but I don't understand the internals of an MP3 well enough to do it.


ID3 offers a standard frame for cover art. Any library able to modify ID3 tags in MP3 files should be able to remove the frame from the file. I loathe Java with all of my heart, so I am unable to provide you with a decent library there, but I know that libraries exist (in other languages) that are very well able to do this (for example, here is one in Python, and Perl's MP3::Tag should be able to do this also).

I'd suggest you look around and try to search an ID3 library that is able to remove APIC frames in Java. I found MyID3 which claims support for APIC, but I don't know if it's actually able to remove the frames (vs. just reading them) - I am sure you'll find something, though.

Edit: If all else fails, the Python version comes with a small command line script that offers an option to remove all APIC frames from a given file.

Jim Brissom
Thanks. What on earth did Java do to you? :)
I guess I justed worked with a lot of uninspired Java developers when freelancing - which may or not may be the language's fault. I always got the impression Java promoted a certain "business" mentality that kinda was orthogonal to how I saw myself as a developer. I'm into business long enough to still use it when it's the "right tool for the job" though, I just die a little inside.
Jim Brissom