I am trying to create a button in my app to take users to another app in the iTunes store. I am just using NSURL and I have copied the link from iTunes replacing the 'itunes' part to 'phobos'. When I click the button it opens the app store but I get an error saying "cannot connect to itunes store". I can connect if I just go to the app store on my phone so I guess this means I am doing something wrong in my app rather than there actually being a connection problem. Any ideas?
This is my code
NSString *iTunesLink = @"itms://phobos.apple.com/gb/app/pastatime/id335197364?mt=8";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:iTunesLink]
This is the link I copy from iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/pastatime/id335197364?mt=8