Hi all!
In the workflow must be periodically send reminders to users about the need to complete the task. To do this in the message body should form a link to the edit form type .../WfTasks/EditForm.aspx?ID=xxx. Where can I get this ID? Tried to do so:
executionTaskProperties.SendEmailNotification = true;
executionTaskProperties.HasCustomEmailBody = true;
executionTaskProperties.EmailBody += "<a href=" + workflowProperties.WebUrl + workflowProperties.Workflow.TaskList.Forms.List.DefaultEditFormUrl + "?ID=" + workflowProperties.TaskList.Items[0].ID+ ">" + workflowProperties.WebUrl + workflowProperties.Workflow.TaskList.DefaultEditFormUrl + "?ID=" + workflowProperties.TaskList.Items[0].ID + "</a>";
However, this ID points to the original document in the list, not the form of execution. Proper ID must be like this: .../WfTasks/EditForm.aspx?ID=54. What property allows us to get this particular ID?