




I have a edit screen which displays a series of editable properties(fields) of an entity. And this list of fields are dynamic,in the sense that any field can be added/removed from the list without any code change. I have a model something like this.

public class Property{

 private String displayName;
 private String value;
 private int displayOrder;
 //other props,getters,setters etc..

My backingBean has a map of these properties (for some other reasons,we chose map as the datastructure).

public class BackingBean{

private Map<String,Property> editableProps;
//other props,getters,setters etc..

The problem is with iterating over this map and produce a textbox for each of the entry. Since a4j:repeat(richfaces) doesn't iterate over a map,I have decided to use JSTL and the code fragment looks something like this,

<c:forEach items="${mybean.editableProps}"
                var="item" >
      <c:out value="${item.value.displayName}"/>
      <input type="text" value="${item.value.value}" />

This will work fine except for the fact that the binding of a ui field to bean's property will not happen automatically. If I try using h:inputText inside c:forEach, the component doesn't get rendered.(Guess the jstl var is not available for the jsf). Is there a JSF way of doing all this(Using hashmap)?So that a textbox is produced for each entry in the map and any change to it gets bound the underlying java bean property.?


If you are using RichFaces then for this situation you should go for RichDataTable

You can create a class like

class MapWrapper{      
private String key;        
private String value;      
//setter getter and const and etc..    

Now Iterate RichDataTable on the List of MapWrapper

datatable cannot iterate over a hashmap.
edited.8 more to go..