



I'm an emacs user considering getting a smartphone. I notice that a lot of the phone keyboards don't have extended keyboard keys (I mean thinks like ctr and esc). What editors do you smartphone people use if you have to connect to the server by ssh and do an emergency repair? I was thinking VI would be a good choice since you mostly just need "esc" and you might be able to map something else to it.

I'm not looking to start doing all my development over the phone, but I need a good editor for those times when it's the only option.

Suggestions please!

+2  A: 

A decent ssh client should give you access to those keys. Even a vi user needs to have control key combinations.

Paul Tomblin
+1  A: 

I use midpSSH to connect from my blackberry pearl to our HP UX server and I use vim for short editing.

+3  A: 

If you're really hardcore, you can learn how to use ex, which is a non-visual version of vi. You do not even need any escape or control keys to edit. You don't have to rely on your terminal emulator emulating a terminal correctly. You can append text or use s/// to change text within lines. For example:

$ cp /etc/services test.txt
$ ex test.txt
"test.txt" 576L, 18832C
Entering Ex mode.  Type "visual" to go to Normal mode.
# Local services
finger          79/tcp
toe             79/tcp
+1 for hardcore
Matti Virkkunen
It would be even more hardcore to use ed. :-)
Not sure I'm that hardcore. :/
Sam Hoice
+1  A: 

Programming is a lot easier if you attach a keyboard to your smartphone (via bluetooth, usb or otherwise).

Good point, but not always possible.
Sam Hoice