I'm trying to deploy a very simple Struts app on WebLogic 11gR1. The app has one JSP called Welcome.jsp and this JSP contains the following tag :
<bean:cookie name="" id=""/>
The associated taglib is imported at the top of the JSP using the following line :
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean" prefix="bean" %>
When this tag is inside the JSP, I've the following error :
Welcome.jsp:11:24: javax.servlet.http.Cookie cannot be resolved
<body bgcolor="white"><bean:cookie name="" id=""/>
But when I remove this tag, the Welcome.jsp works just fine.
The JSP includes other tags like :
<bean:message key="welcome.heading"/>
Those tags are working just fine.
And to finish, the ActionServlet
of Struts is also working and starting with the app.
I'm guessing that there must be a classloading problem but I don't understand why the Struts ActionServlet
is working : javax.servlet.http.Cookie
and javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
are declared in the same package.
Maybe, there is a problem with the Oracle implementation of the Cookie
class in WebLogic but it is very unlikely.