



Typically, in Java, when I've got an object who's providing some sort of notification to other objects, I'll employ the Listener/Observer pattern.

Is there a more Scala-like way to do this? Should I be using this pattern in Scala, or is there something else baked into the language I should be taking advantage of?

+10  A: 

You can still accumulate a list of callbacks, but you can just make them functions instead of having to come up with yet another single method interface.


case class MyEvent(...)

object Foo { 
  var listeners: List[MyEvent => ()] = Nil

  def listen(listener: MyEvent => ()) {
    listeners ::= listener

  def notify(ev: MyEvent) = for (l <- listeners) l(ev) 

Also read this this somewhat-related paper if you feel like taking the red pill. :)

Alex Cruise
And you can extract this nicely into a `Publisher` trait.
Alexey Romanov
+7  A: 

Is there a more Scala-like way to do this?

Yes. Read the paper Deprecating the Observer Pattern by Ingo Maier, Tiark Rompf, and Martin Odersky.

Alexey Romanov
+2  A: 
trait Observer[S] {
     def receiveUpdate(subject: S);

trait Subject[S] {
     this: S =>
     private var observers: List[Observer[S]] = Nil
     def addObserver(observer: Observer[S]) = observers = observer :: observers

     def notifyObservers() = observers.foreach(_.receiveUpdate(this))

This snippet is pretty similar to what one would find in Java with some Scala features. This is from Dean Wampler's blog -

This uses some Scala features such as generics as denoted by the [S], traits which are like Java interfaces but more powerful, :: to prepend an observer to the list of observers, and a foreach with the parameter using an _ which evaluates to the current observer.


You can use scala.collection.mutable.Publisher and scala.collection.mutable.Subscriber to create a pub/sub implementation
