Prior to today, I've been using Django 1.1. To ensure I'm keeping up with the times, I decided to update my Django environment to use Django 1.2.3. Unfortunately, I've encountered an issue.
The following code did not raise a ValueError in 1.1:
instance = FormClass(
However, now that I've upgraded, it raises a ValueError each time. I have a SSN field that I'm submitting as part of my Form and I strip out the dashes prior to doing an call. Unfortunately, the ValueError occurs because Django thinks my SSN value is too long (it's expecting 9 characters and it's receiving 11 -- 123-45-6789).
I've looked through the Django docs and I couldn't find anything relating to this change. Any idea what's going on? I've always thought the purpose of the "commit=False" parameter was to allow pre-processing of data before saving the information.
Am I missing something?