I am creating an app which allows for many different Activities
to be started from a TabActivity
(up to ~25). Most of the activities require data from the sqlite database, so when onCreate
is run, an AsyncTask
creates an SQLiteOpenHelper object(which will open a readable/writable database), runs a query, data is retrieved, and everything is then closed.
i was just testing messing around to see if i could break something, so i added every Activity
to the TabActivity's
. I then started mashing each tab as quickly as possible.
i noticed that very quickly i began to see in the LogCat: Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: database is locked: BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;
and the app proceeded to die.
Typically there will only be about 4-6 tabs(i can just limit the user anyway) for the TabHost
. I haven't been able to break anything with a small amount of tabs to mash, but i am still worried that maybe i am accessing the database in a poor way.
How can i prevent my SQLiteDatabase objects to cause a lock?
If i create a ContentProvider
will that eliminate the possibility of database locking?
Do you have any suggestions for changes I could make for accessing data from an SQLiteDatabase
I ended up taking the approach of using the Application
class and storing 1 SQLiteOpenHelper
and trying my best to keep it synchronized. This seems to be working great - i put all my 25 activities in the TabHost
and mashed away on them with no errors.
I am calling ((SQLiteDbApplication)getApplication()).setDbHelper(new DBHelper(this, Constants.DB_NAME, null, Constants.DB_VERSION_CODE));
method(shown below) in every onCreate()
in my activities
Any further suggestions to this approach or to the changes i made using this Application
import android.app.Application;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
public class SQLiteDbApplication extends Application {
private DBHelper dbHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase db;
public synchronized DBHelper getDbHelper() {
db = dbHelper.getDatabase();//returns the already opened database object
while(db.isDbLockedByCurrentThread() || db.isDbLockedByOtherThreads());
return dbHelper;
public synchronized void closeDb() {
if(null != dbHelper)
if(null != db)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
if(null != dbHelper)
if(null != db)
public synchronized void setDbHelper(DBHelper dbHelper) {
if(null == this.dbHelper) {
this.dbHelper = dbHelper;
this.dbHelper.setDb(this.dbHelper.getWritableDatabase());//creates and sets the database object via getWritableDatabase()