I know it is probably a stupid question, but I am new to OOP in Python and if I declare a function def myFunction( b)
and pass an instance of an object to it, I get TypeError: expected string or buffer.
To be more specific, I have a following code that I use to parse a summary molecular formula and make an object out of it.
class SummaryFormula:
def __init__( self, summaryFormula):
self.atoms = {}
for atom in re.finditer( "([A-Z][a-z]{0,2})(\d*)", summaryFormula):
symbol = atom.group(1)
count = atom.group(2)
def extend( self, b):
# these are the two dictionaries of both molecules
originalFormula = self.atoms.copy()
addAtoms = SummaryFormula( b)
# and here both dictionaries are merged
for atom in addAtoms.atoms.keys():
if atom in originalFormula.keys():
self.atoms[ atom] = originalFormula[ atom]
self.atoms[ atom] += addAtoms.atoms[ atom]
for atom in originalFormula.keys():
if atom not in self.atoms.keys():
self.atoms[ atom] = originalFormula[ atom]
#this is what works now
test = SummaryFormula( "H2CFe2")
test.extend("H5C5") #result is a molecule H7C6Fe2
#this is what I want instead
test = SummaryFormula( "H2CFe2")
toExtend = SummaryFormula( "H5C5")
test.extend( toExtend)
Thank you, Tomas