For my data structures project, the goal is to read in a provided file containing over 10000 songs with artist, title and lyrics clearly marked, and each song is separated by a line with a single double quote. I've written this code to parse the text file, and it works, with a running time of just under 3 seconds to
read the 422K lines of text
create a Song object
add said Song to an ArrayList
The parsing code I wrote is:
if (songSource.canRead()) { //checks to see if file is valid to read
readIn= new Scanner(songSource);
while (readIn.hasNextLine()) {
do {
readToken= readIn.nextLine();
if (readToken.startsWith("ARTIST=\"")) {
artist= readToken.split("\"")[1];
if (readToken.startsWith("TITLE=\"")) {
title= readToken.split("\"")[1];
if (readToken.startsWith("LYRICS=\"")) {
lyrics= readToken.split("\"")[1];
} else {
lyrics+= "\n"+readToken;
}//end individual song if block
} while (!readToken.startsWith("\"")); //end inner while loop
songList.add(new Song(artist, title, lyrics));
}//end while not EOF
} //end if file can be read
I was talking with my Intro to Algorithms professor about the code for this project, and he stated that I should try to be more defensive in my code to allow for inconsistencies in data provided by other people. Originally I was using if/else blocks between the Artist, Title and Lyrics fields, and on his suggestion I changed to sequential if statements. While I can see his point, using this code example, how can I be more defensive about allowing for input inconsistencies?