How do I create an HTML table in Perl?
Three options.
1/ Print the raw tags in the output of your program (as chao has already shown you). But I don't really recommend that.
2/ Use the HTML shortcut functions from But I don't think anyone still does that, do they?
3/ Generate your output using a templating system. Something like this, perhaps:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Template;
my @headers = qw(col1 col2);
my @table = (
['val11', 'val12'],
['val12', 'val22'],
my $t = Template->new;
$t->process(\*DATA, { head => \@headers, table => \@table })
or die $t->error;
<tr>[% FOR h IN head %]<th>[% h %]</th>[% END %]</tr>
[% FOR tr IN table -%]
<tr>[% FOR td IN tr %]<td>[% td %]</td>[% END %]</tr>
[% END -%]
2010-09-21 07:53:00