



I want to set a TextView with SpannableString which is from the method below:

Html.fromHtml(String  source, Html.ImageGetter  imageGetter, Html.TagHandler  tagHandler)

But the ImageGetter here need to override the method below:

public abstract Drawable   getDrawable  (String  source)

Because I need to get the drawable from the internet, I have to do it asynchronously and seems it is not.

How to make it work? Thanks.


Now I'm using an AsyncTask to download the images in the ImageGetter:

Spanned spannedContent = Html.fromHtml(htmlString, new ImageGetter() {

        public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {
            new ImageDownloadAsyncTask().execute(textView, htmlString, source);
            return null;
    }, null);

And set the text again into the TextView when the image has been downloaded.

Now it works. But It failed when I tried to do the TextView.postInvalidate() to redraw the downloaded images. I have to do setText() again in the AsyncTask.

Does anyone know why?
