




I'm new to StackOverflow and I hope to find some help about ExpandableListView.

I'm using an ExpandableListView having several groups but only one child in each group. The child is a custom view (FrameLayout) which contains some ImageViews. Only one group can be expanded at the same time (this is ok).

I would like to animate the expand and collapse actions : as soon as a group header is clicked, an animation should collapse the current expanded group if any and an other animation should expand the clicked group.

I would like the animation to be a smooth transition animating both the child view (hiding progresively if collapsing or showning progressively if expanding) and the other groups (which should move progressively with the hiding/showing of the child view).

I tried to animate the child view without great success : I didn't find how to define the "progressively hiding/showing" animation. I used the default android one called slide_in_left for test purpose but it is animating only the child view.

Can someone help me to find a way to animate smoothly the showing/hiding of the child view and allowing the groups header to follow this animation ?

Thanks a lot,
