Hi, I have a method and a thread which I'd like to run in the following order: First the method should do something with an object, and then the thread should do something with the object. They share the same object. I have to synchronize them, but I am just meeting with Threads. How can I do that?
private synchronized method()
//do something with an object (a field)
Runnable ObjectUpdater = new Runnable()
//do something with the object after the method has finished
My code, that somehow manages to freeze my Main thread (where the method is) My thread code:
private Runnable something = new Runnable(){
synchronized (this){
while (flag == false)
{ try {wait();)
catch (IntExc ie) {e.printStackTrace...}
//here it does its thing
My method code (part of the main thread)
private void Method()
//do its thing