



I have tested my email server on to see why the emails are beeing considered spam by hotmail and gmail servers.

The results was amongst other faults, the BATV.

This is the complete result from on my BATV:

BATV is a mechanism wherein an outgoing Email server adds a tag to the Envelope From address of all outgoing Emails. For example, if an Email address goes out with From address as <[email protected]>, the Envelope From is changed to <[email protected]>, where 'SBDGAUJ' is the added tag. This tag is generated using an internal mechanism and is different for each email sent. If any bounce is received by the Incoming email servers, they are checked to see if the Bounce address has the proper tag (in above case 'SBDGAUJ'). If not, the email is rejected.

Could somebody explain this in simpler words... How is it configured?

currently I have this setup when sending email with php:


$headers="MIME-Version: 1.0"."\n";
$headers.="Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"."\n";
$headers.="From: Skuffen <[email protected]>"."\n";
$subject="SUBJECT HERE";

mail($email, '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode($subject).'?=', $mail_message, $headers, '[email protected]'); 

This is a swedish language so you know (utf-8)...



I think that you need to set this up in your Mail Transfer Agent. The PHP mail() command sends mail through the local sendmail (or compatible, like Exim, Postfix or Qmail) installation. That's where BATV needs to be configured.

If you are on a simple shared hosting, contact your hosting provider.

Sander Marechal