





I have a csv file that looks something like this (actual file has many more columns and rows):


Say the name of the file is info.csv If I try to import this using

data = numpy.genfromtxt('info.csv', delimiter = ',')

then I get the following error:

ValueError: Some errors were detected ! Line #4 (got 1 columns instead of 5)

If I use,

data = numpy.genfromtxt('info.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_footer = 1) 

both lines with data 16 and with data 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are skipped. I don't understand why the line with 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 is being skipped. I would appreciate any help on how I can appropriately use the genfromtxt to import first three lines in the above file.


+2  A: 

if you can ignore the 16 at the end of the file try using the

invalid_raise (bool, optional) parameter if set to False it ignores all incomplete lines without throwing an exception

see here (its the last parameter before the examples) http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.genfromtxt.html

Nikolaus Gradwohl
Thanks! This works well for me. But can you or someone explain why skip_footer is not working. Or, how can I get the row with 16 in it. I will accept the answer later, because if I do so now, those questions will remain unanswered. Thanks again.
it skips 2 rows, becaus genformtxt reads the valid rows into an array and then skips as mamy as you told him, but the line with '16' is never read into the array
Nikolaus Gradwohl
you can try the 'filling_values' or 'missing_values' parameter to fill the missing 4 values in the line with '16', for example by -1 and or 0 depending on what you do with your array after reading it from disk
Nikolaus Gradwohl
@Nikolaus - can you please explain how to use filling_values. I tried, `numpy.genfromtxt('info.csv', delimiter = ',', filling_values = 0)`. However, that still gives the same error.
ok - i checked the code of numpy now, filling_values can be used to fill in empty values - so if your last line looks like '16,,,," fill would fill the empty values. if the line has no delimiters genfromtxt can't parse it
Nikolaus Gradwohl