



This is more a theoretical question than a practical one, but given I undestand the principles of SOA I am still a bit unsure about if this can be applied to any app.

The usual example is where a cliente wants to know something from a server thus we implement a service that can provide that information given a client request, it can be stateless or statefull, etc.

But what happens when we want to be notified when something happens on the server, maybe we call a service to register a search and want to be notified when a new item arrives to the server that matches or search. Of course that can be implemented using polling and leveraging that using long timeouts, but I can see a way in the usual protocols to receive events from the server without making a call to ask.

If you can point me to an example, or tell me an architecture that could support then you have made my day.


Have you considered pub-sub (ie; WS-Eventing, WS-Notification)? These are the usual means to pushing "stuff" to interested consumers/subscribers.

Yes after posting this question I further investigated and found there are some concepts that allow this type of comunicaciont, dynamic services, pub-sub, SOA 2.0, etc. I have not seen a lot of implementations / examples of this, but in every case this always is thought for comunication between WS, not WS and Client, the events, pubs always are sent to other WS and thus increasing the complexity of and otherwise thin client, the difference of having a client that just orchestrates calls to different WS and one that must implement it's own ones is great.