




I get the following error when trying to compile this:

Btree.scala:9: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ordering: Ordering[K] abstract class Node[K,V] extends TreeMap[K,V]

TreeMap is supposed to accept an implicit Ordering[A] val which I provide. Perhaps the implicit parameter needs to be in object Tester where the Btree(TreeMap) is instantiated? I would prefer to keep the implicit declaration inside of the Btree class because I would like Ordering to have a type K that implements Comparable[K]. Make sense?

package disttree {
    import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap

    class Btree[K <: Comparable[K],V](fanout:Int) {
        implicit object DefaultOrder extends Ordering[K] {
            def compare(k1: K, k2: K) = k1 compareTo k2

        abstract class Node[K,V] extends TreeMap[K,V]

        class InnerNode[K,V] extends Node[K,V]

        class LeafNode[K,V] extends Node[K,V]

        val root = new InnerNode[K,V]()

        def search(n: Node[K,V], key: K): Option[(K,V)] = {
            return n.find(_ == key)

        def insert(key: K, value: V) { }

        def delete(key: K) { }

import disttree._;
object Tester {
    def main(args: List[String]) = {
        var t = new Btree[Int, Any](2)
        t.insert(1, "goodbye")
+3  A: 

This compiles and it exhibits two variants, one using Ordered keys (K) and the other using an Ordering on the keys:

package disttree {
    import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
    import scala.math.{Ordered, Ordering}

//  class Btree[K <% Ordered[K], V](fanout:Int) // Using Ordered
    class Btree[K : Ordering, V](fanout:Int)    // Using Ording
    /* Using Ordered
        implicit object DefaultOrder extends Ordering[K] {
            def compare(k1: K, k2: K) = k1 compareTo k2

    /* Using Ordering */
        val keyOrdering = implicitly[Ordering[K]]

        implicit object DefaultOrder extends Ordering[K] {
            def compare(k1: K, k2: K) =, k2)

        abstract class Node extends TreeMap[K,V]

        class InnerNode extends Node

        class LeafNode extends Node

        val root = new InnerNode()

        def search(n: Node, key: K): Option[(K,V)] = {
            return n.find(_ == key)

        def insert(key: K, value: V) { }

        def delete(key: K) { }

import disttree._;
object Tester {
    def main(args: List[String]) = {
        var t = new Btree[Int, Any](2)
        t.insert(1, "goodbye")
Randall Schulz
+2  A: 

Common mistake. These are two different K's:

class Btree[K <: Comparable[K],V](fanout:Int) {
    // The K below is the type parameter of Btree
    implicit object DefaultOrder extends Ordering[K] {
        def compare(k1: K, k2: K) = k1 compareTo k2

    // The K in the error is the type parameter of Node
    abstract class Node[K,V] extends TreeMap[K,V]

    // And this is yet another K
    class InnerNode[K,V] extends Node[K,V]

    // And yet another
    class LeafNode[K,V] extends Node[K,V]

Using -explaintypes -uniqid and passing the parameter explicitly, I get this:

<console>:13: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Btree#31335.this.DefaultOrder#31343.type (with underlying type object Btree#31335.this.DefaultOrder#31344)
 required: Ordering#3222[K#31346]
               abstract class Node[K,V] extends TreeMap[K,V]()(DefaultOrder)
Btree#31335.this.DefaultOrder#31343.type <: Ordering#3222[K#31346]?
  object Btree#31335.this.DefaultOrder#31344 <: scala.math.Ordering#11986[K#31346]?
    scala.math.Ordering#11986[K#31336] <: scala.math.Ordering#11986[K#31346]?
      K#31346 <: K#31336?


Thank you for the great answer. I have never seen this sort of 'bounded?' type declaration before:

[K : Ordering,V]

And I have not been able to find any documentation on it. Would I be correct in saying that this forces type K to be a supertype of type Ordering[K]?

That is the so-called "context bound." `class C[E : Z](...) ...` is syntactic sugar for `class C[E](...)(implicit z: Z[E]) ...`. It is a new construct in Scala 2.8
Randall Schulz
By the way, if you consider my answer (any answer) to be "the" answer to your question (the one that is most useful to you), you should accept it by clicking the hollow check-mark icon next to that answer.
Randall Schulz