



Which IDE is more superior for Ruby development? Aptana or Netbeans? Also, is there any IDE to date that is better than the two?

+3  A: 

Why do you need an IDE for Rails? Are you coming from a Java background? Why would a simple texteditor does not work for you?

Most Rails developer use simple text editor like textmate or Notepad++.

You're absolutely right about that. I was just looking for people's general opinion of the two. As I've stated in most my comments, I've heard good things about Vim (command line) and other lightweight editors out there. Also a pal of mine is using Notepad++ and things appear to be working out pretty well for him. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and thanks a lot.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
+1  A: 

I have been enjoying using Aptana Studio 3 Beta for Ruby/Rails work. Terminal (on 'nix) and Git integration is excellent as is the debugging and the easy deployment to Heroku (or Engine Yard, if that's your host).

I've never been a fan of Netbeans ... just never got into the IDE's UI; nothing wrong with the actual tool. Admittedly, I've been using Eclipse for 5 years now and am pretty 'institutionalized' when it comes to my IDE :).

I think the most important thing is to try both (since they're free!) and see if one feels better to you than the other. Ultimately, they're both excellent tools (as is TextMate on Mac for Ruby/Rails) and will serve you well.

That's great if it has a superior debugger. Seems like the lack of sound debugging support is one of the knocks many have on Ruby. I've heard great things about TextMate as well. I plan on developing on Linux. Many are recommending Vim as well; claiming you can be just as productive from the command line. Thanks for the feedback.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
+2  A: 

I used both of them and since I needed Netbeans for java devel I used it for both (java/ruby), Aptana is also good and both have pros ans cons, you can configure more code completion and templates in Netbeans to be like textmate and use themes like monokai, aloha and others... You can search for files exactly like in textmate in netbeans, and ctrl+2 feature the same way like textmate files window, but textmate does one thing the others don't do it's ctrl+/- zoom in and out.. this is good some times when you want to explain some parts of the code to someone next to you or screencast. Well Netbeans don't have default support for git you'll need to install a module, I don't know if it works the same way svn/cvs does.

Just like craig.kamisnky said

"most important thing is to try both (since they're free!)"

=) my vote is for NB of course...

Thanks a lot. I'll try them out in addition to Vim and see which approach provides the best experience.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
+1  A: 

I found Netbeans easier to use and get used to, but it's a matter of preference.

You will hear a lot of people saying "just use a text editor and command line" but take that with a grain of salt.

If you are used to IDE's and are trying to learn both Ruby and Rails, I don't suggest learning a new way of doing things with the command line at the same time. I suggest sticking with an IDE until your Ruby/Rails comfort level goes up. Then definitely look at the command line/text editor combo. It may sound crazy now, but it really is better.

This is from one who went that path himself.

Kyle Heironimus
Yea I was looking on Rob Connery's blog and he recommended using Vim. I just might take that approach considering it was recommended by the likes of Connery and Yehuda Katz. Thanks so much for the feedback.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
Vim is really cool, but it will make your head spin for quite a while. I really like it, but it was very frustrating to get used to. Definitely something you need to work at. Don't be surprised if you don't like it at first. It's an acquired taste.
Kyle Heironimus
@Kyle. Thanks. Connery was saying the same thing. You won't like it at first, but overtime it's just as productive as everything else out there.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
+1  A: 

Hi Antwan W. A-Dubb

I find Netbeans more easier than aptana. Specially I like the rich code completion and displaying sample usage with NetBeans

so +1 for NetBeans



Thanks so much for your recommendation. How do you feel about using a command line editor? Do you feel you'd be more productive using an IDE despite so many recommending the command line or simple text editor? Just weighing my options here and trying to gain as much insight as possible.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
Hi Antwan W. A-Dubb, Personally I think using netBeans is more productive because say an example, when i type 'redirect_to' (in rails) Netbeans show me the example usage and other options on hw to use that method. So I can try those things as well. And more importantly Netbeans has a greate debugger. One more thing I like is the code navigation. (say u click a method name it takes to the method implementation etc..) hope this helps, sameera
I had a friend that wanted to know how to duplicate that same feature. In Visual Studio, the hot key for that is F-12. Also many have complained about the rudimentary debugging support that Ruby offers (from their perspective) so those are 2 major pluses for me. Thanks.
Antwan W. A-Dubb
Hi I have a little bit of experience in VS 2005 and its debugging. I would say Netbeans ruby debug is same as VS debug. thanks sameera

intellij (w/ruby plugin) or rubymine is my votes. If you're shooting for free, go TextMate.

How's the debugging in rubymine? Autocompletion is there as well I'm assuming. Does it help streamline common Ruby tasks such as making gems, deployment, versions control, etc.?
Antwan W. A-Dubb
I have intellij - so, for both ruby and groovy, which are the dynamic languages I've used it for, the debugger works pretty well - set lots of breakpoints, though. Auto-completion is a bit spotty on both fronts - seems to work better on pages that have been indexed (created, saved, reopened). Either way, the project organization and SCM integration are my two big draws. The other things (like auto complete and debug) are just extras.