The code below continues many lines until it ends with a expected /veotherwise /vechoose. I started working on a development firm a little ago where they use this html version called vhtml. I have search the web but it brings different definitions for vhtml. I have seen some posts in Joomla about vhtml but they don't look like the code below. I was expecting to get a pointer on how to understand the language.
It looks very similar to normal html with even very similar commands, or maybe smalltalk. But I just can decipher it. Any help will be appreciated. Please post comments if you want more information.
<vewhen criteria='isPortalEdit'>
widget: practices-landing-page
<veinclude src='private/webportal/webtemplate-content.vhtml'>
<vesection name='content-body'>
<% // Determine portlet visibility %>
<vecalc expression='isEmpty = false' output='none' />
<vewhen criteria='isEmpty'>
<veif criteria='portlet.ifEmptyDo == "Hide"'>
<script>getTag( 'portlet_<%=portlet.order%>' ).style.display = "none";</script>
<veif criteria='portlet.ifEmptyDo == "Show Message"'>