I'm taking my first steps with JPA (Hibernate). The overall idea is to connect to a legacy database to do complex queries. I think, hibernate is a great companion for this task, but...
... for a start, I created one bean, the persistence.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml configuration files and some lines of code in a main method, starting with:
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("foo");
It reads the persistence.xml file but, because I'm disconnected from the internet, it can't read the schema file (xsd) to validate persistence.xml and complains with exceptions. (And I don't have a local copy of persistence.xsd in that environment). I tried with removing the schemalocation attribute, but that didn't help. No grammar, no JPA!?
Is there a way / a trick / a workaround to disable document validation at least for parsing persistence.xml?