How can I hide the mouse cursor on whole screen in Java? I used the transparent gif techinique, but it only works on the JFrame area. I need it to work outside the JFrame bounds.
One way is to use transperent GIF and another is mentioned here
2010-09-22 12:37:42
this doesn't work outside the main JFrame, only within it.
2010-09-22 12:40:03
Take a full screened JFrame and make visible only that part which is required.
2010-09-22 12:48:53
I think an application that can hide the cursor for itself and any other application running on the same desktop is, well, not desirable for usability and maybe security implications. Therefore I guess the win32 API has numerous ways to do it. Even by accident. But (un?)fortunately Java has no API to accomplish this.
Possibly the Robot is of help for you. You could create a full-sceen capture which gets displayed in turn by an full-screen JFrame
which in turn has no visible pointer.
2010-09-23 09:05:51