



Before the introduction of annotations in Java, how was the same functionality achieved?

Such a huge portion of what I do every day in Java involves annotations that I can't imagine what it would be like to program without them.

What would be an alternative way of achieving the same functionality without annotations?

+6  A: 

Alex, I would take XML for $400.

Alexander Pogrebnyak
@Peter: I think he is referring to Jeopardy
the famous gameshow Jeopardy? I for one think it a creative answer and it deserves an upvote just for humor. :)
Chris Aldrich
@Shervin: Correct. You now have control of the board. ;)
R. Bemrose
+3  A: 

By writing a lot of xml configuration files.

+2  A: 

I don't know what you mean; I don't use annotations, but here I am still alive as ever.

You're actually undead, you just don't realize it.
Michael Borgwardt
I don't use annotations, I don't use XML (except for XHTML). I also avoid Ant and Maven.
Thomas Mueller
+5  A: 

They where two techniques:

  • One was to use XML configuration files, related to your Java classes (an example is JPA XML configuration files).
  • In some cases, where your just needed a marker on a class, marker interfaces where used. Is consists in having an interface with no methods, and you can check at runtime if a given object implements this interface. One pretty common sample is Serializable.
Vivien Barousse
+2  A: 

Other ways (beside XML config files--which probably also includes use of Spring) would be lots of properties files.

Chris Aldrich
+3  A: 
  • XDoclet - basically a code generator that takes information from the Java source code and custom javadoc tags.
  • Marker interfaces like Serializable
  • Naming conventions (test methods in JUnit)
  • And yes, lots of XML config files. Be very glad you haven't had to live with those.
Michael Borgwardt

They are very nice features but they are creating more confusion for me as I used to define them in comments e.g. @author, @return, and @deprecated etc. I skip most of the comments and therefore, It creates more confusion rather than a convenience for me.

Annotations and Javadoc tags are two totally different things even though they look similar. A good editor should use syntax highlighting to make them look clearly different.
Michael Borgwardt
I know they are different and coloring them might work for some people, but I also do programming in Perl and my eyes are trained for symbols like @, $, and %. It is because of this @ that ignore some important piece of code.
+2  A: 
  • Properties file.
  • XML configurations
  • Text-based custom files.
  • Interface class file with many constant fields....
The Elite Gentleman