




Okay, so I have this strange problem. And ah, no solution. Can somebody please help me or send me off in the right direction?

I have a simple HTML page, and I need to be able to have a 'Save' button on the page that the user will click. And upon clicking that save button, PHP will then save a copy of the current page the user is on to the same directory on my server.

Is this even possible?x

Thanks! Any help at all is much appreciated


This seems very dangerous for you to trust the user to store content on your server... They can easily write malicious code to look at your databases, give them ftp access to your server, or even delete your entire site.

Can you explain more of what you are doing and why?

Capt Otis
This is not an answer.
I'm sure a hacker could even clean out his fridge, but this problem is everywhere.
+3  A: 

You probably need to do something with Ajax. If you're using jQuery you could get the entire HTML of the page using $('body').html() and send that with an Ajax POST.
