I'm calculating the Euclidean distance between n-dimensional points using OpenCL. I get two lists of n-dimensional points and I should return an array that contains just the distances from every point in the first table to every point in the second table.
My approach is to do the regular doble loop (for every point in Table1{ for every point in Table2{...} } and then do the calculation for every pair of points in paralell.
The euclidean distance is then split in 3 parts: 1. take the difference between each dimension in the points 2. square that difference (still for every dimension) 3. sum all the values obtained in 2. 4. Take the square root of the value obtained in 3. (this step has been omitted in this example.)
Everything works like a charm until I try to accumulate the sum of all differences (namely, executing step 3. of the procedure described above, line 49 of the code below).
As test data I'm using DescriptorLists with 2 points each: DescriptorList1: 001,002,003,...,127,128; (p1) 129,130,131,...,255,256; (p2)
DescriptorList2: 000,001,002,...,126,127; (p1) 128,129,130,...,254,255; (p2)
So the resulting vector should have the values: 128, 2064512, 2130048, 128 Right now I'm getting random numbers that vary with every run.
I appreciate any help or leads on what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully everything is clear about the scenario I'm working in.
#define BLOCK_SIZE 128
typedef struct
//How large each point is
int length;
//How many points in every list
int num_elements;
//Pointer to the elements of the descriptor (stored as a raw array)
__global float *elements;
} DescriptorList;
__kernel void CompareDescriptors_deb(__global float *C, DescriptorList A, DescriptorList B, int elements, __local float As[BLOCK_SIZE])
int gpidA = get_global_id(0);
int featA = get_local_id(0);
//temporary array to store the difference between each dimension of 2 points
float dif_acum[BLOCK_SIZE];
//counter to track the iterations of the inner loop
int loop = 0;
//loop over all descriptors in A
for (int i = 0; i < A.num_elements/BLOCK_SIZE; i++){
//take the i-th descriptor. Returns a DescriptorList with just the i-th
//descriptor in DescriptorList A
DescriptorList tmpA = GetDescriptor(A, i);
//copy the current descriptor to local memory.
//returns one element of the only descriptor in DescriptorList tmpA
//and index featA
As[featA] = GetElement(tmpA, 0, featA);
//wait for all the threads to finish copying before continuing
//loop over all the descriptors in B
for (int k = 0; k < B.num_elements/BLOCK_SIZE; k++){
//take the difference of both current points
dif_acum[featA] = As[featA]-B.elements[k*BLOCK_SIZE + featA];
//wait again
//square value of the difference in dif_acum and store in C
//which is where the results should be stored at the end.
C[loop] = 0;
C[loop] += dif_acum[featA]*dif_acum[featA];
loop += 1;