The output to my mathematica cell is just a long algebraic equation produced from Solve[%, Subscript[u, i, j + 1]]
{{Subscript[u, i, 1 + j] -> (1/(
2 h^2))(-2 h^2 k Subscript[f, i, j] + 2 h^2 Subscript[u, i, j] +
2 b h^2 k Subscript[u, i, j] -
h k Subscript[u, -1 + i, j] Subscript[\[Mu], i, j] +
h k Subscript[u, 1 + i, j] Subscript[\[Mu], i, j] +
2 k Subscript[u, -1 + i, j] Subscript[\[Sigma], i, j] -
4 k Subscript[u, i, j] Subscript[\[Sigma], i, j] +
2 k Subscript[u, 1 + i, j] Subscript[\[Sigma], i, j])}}
I want to collect the terms $u_{i,j}$ on the right side of this expression, but I dont know how to get a handle on the output of Solve[]. i.e I want to do something like
Collect[%, {Subscript[u, i, j - 1], Subscript[u, i, j], Subscript[u,
i, j + 1]}]
But here % doesn't quite do the trick. Any ideas on how I might achieve this?