I am trying to name what I think is a new idea for a higher-order function. To the important part, here is the code in Python and Haskell to demonstrate the concept, which will be explained afterward.
>>> def pleat(f, l):
return map(lambda t: f(*t), zip(l, l[1:]))
>>> pleat(operator.add, [0, 1, 2, 3])
[1, 3, 5]
Prelude> let pleatWith f xs = zipWith f xs (drop 1 xs)
Prelude> pleatWith (+) [0,1,2,3]
As you may be able to infer, the sequence is being iterated through, utilizing adjacent elements as the parameters for the function you pass it, projecting the results into a new sequence. So, has anyone seen the functionality we've created? Is this familiar at all to those in the functional community? If not, what do we name it?
---- Update ----
Pleat wins!
Prelude> let pleat xs = zip xs (drop 1 xs)
Prelude> pleat [1..4]
Prelude> let pleatWith f xs = zipWith f xs (drop 1 xs)
Prelude> pleatWith (+) [1..4]