Hello Good people
i'm trying to check whether my forms(Zend_Form) are being well processed and display whatever back to user, for testing (my way of learning new stuffs).So i've read online that there are 3 ways to accomplish this. one using the Zend_Registry which is unanimously said to be a bad practice.i'm now left with placeholder and _request.I've tried with the request like this:
public function createAction(){
$this->view->show = "Please Enter your Details";
$formentity = new Hotel_Form_Entity();
$this->view->form = $formentity;
$values = $formentity->getValues();
$this->_helper->flashMessenger("Thank you.Form processed");
$user = new Hotel_Model_User();
//with this i got the values in the user table in the database.so i know that the actual data is passed.
$user->name = $values["name"];
$user->surname = $values["surname"];
public function successAction(){
$this->view->message = $this->_helper->flashMessenger->getMessages();
$this->view->data = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
it's rather the request itself that i got like this via var_dump
'module' => string 'booking' (length=7)
'controller' => string 'user' (length=4)
'action' => string 'success' (length=7)
the success.phtml is like this :
<h4><?php echo implode($this->message); ?></h4><br/>
<?php var_dump($this->data); ?>
Can anyone please show me how achieve that?i can't explain why but this is not supposed to be a big deal.Thanks for reading