



Has anyone used the createHITType function in the Perl Amazon Mechanical Turk SDK to add Notification properties to their HIT?

I've managed to get it all working. I can grab the balance from both my sandbox account and the live system. I've successfully created new hits using the various techniques in the samples dir, but I need to enable SetHITTypeNotification, passing on properties that tell Amazon to notify me by email when someone accepts/submits a hit.

I've checked through the documentation on AWS and the rough schema would be this:

  <Destination>[email protected]</Destination>

I've done some grep'ing through the various modules looking for notification and came across the module that seems to make reference to notifications contained as a hash within a properties object passed to the createHITType function.

I also think that it is taking these from perhaps a properties file, but I've specifically learnt Perl to use mturk along with another project, so I am now stumped to figure out what to do. I perldoc'ed the crap out of all the modules too, but there is a complete lack of documentation on implementing notifications from what I can find.