I want to refresh a in django that contains temperature data. The data is fetched every 20 seconds. So far I have achieved this using these functions:
function refresh() {
url: '{% url monitor-test %}',
success: function(data) {
var int = setInterval("refresh()", 10000);
And this is my urls.py:
urlpatterns += patterns('toolbox.monitor.views',
url(r'^monitor-test/$', 'temperature', name="monitor-test"),
url(r'^monitor/$', 'test', name="monitor"),
def temperature(request):
temperature_dict = {}
for filter_device in TemperatureDevices.objects.all():
get_objects = TemperatureData.objects.filter(Device=filter_device)
current_object = get_objects.latest('Date')
current_data = current_object.Data
temperature_dict[filter_device] = current_data
return render_to_response('temp.html', {'temperature': temperature_dict})
temp.html has an include tag:
<table id="test"><tbody>
{% include "testing.html" %}
testing.html just contains a for tag to iterate through the dictionary:
{% for label, value in temperature.items %}
<td >{{ label }}</td>
<td>{{ value }}</td>
{% endfor %}
The div is refreshed every 10 seconds and allows me to use the template system without patching it with js. However, I get repeated calls to '/monitor-test', 3-4 at the same time after a couple of minutes. Also, I was wondering if there is a better way to do this while being able to use the template system in Django. Thanks