



Hi guys,

Have somebody tried to rewrite CanCan ActiverRecordAddtions for Mongoid

Regards, Alexey Zakharov

+1  A: 

I've managed to get CanCan and Mongoid (version 2) to work together pretty well on a rails 3 app. Still get some errors here and there related to conditions in the permission definition (the Ability model).

I just put the contents of this gist into a file in config/initializers:

The condition hashes are almost the same as with ActiveRecord:

# can only manage own account
can :manage, User, :_id =>

I'm still working on how to use more advanced Mongoid::Criteria conditions, but you can always use a block to do more complex conditions:

# can only manage own account
can :eat, Cake do{ |job| job.title == 'Peasant'}
Thank you. Hope that you extensions will be added to future version of gem
Alexey Zakharov
You're welcome. Mongoid is awesome and so is CanCan. I'll try to put together a working patch for CanCan so that this behavior is included in the library without a need to add anything.By the way, I made some significant updates to the gist that allow for complex conditions hashes. I recommend using the latest gist version, because the version I had earlier caused some hard-to-detect but significant bugs.