Hello guys,
In my project I have to apply security based on a dimension attribute. I think the best way to explain my scenario is with an example, if you need more info please request me and I'll love to told you if it will help me find a solution.
I have some main dimension, the dimcustomer, dimseller, fact, data and geographic. The fact table are related with dimseller ids, the dimcustomer is related to the dimseller based on one dimseller specific attribute(CNPJ)(another dimensions that i didnt described are related the same way).
So my goal is to apply a role security based on the dimseller CNPJ, so then when the user related with that seller trys to browse data he will be allowed to view only the data that are related to his seller CNPJ.
Table example:
DIM Seller: DIM Customer FactTable
id name cnpj id name dimseller.cnpj dimseller.id dimcustomerid measure
1 ME 1234 1 guest1 1234 1 1 50,00
2 you 5678 2 guest2 5678 2 2 100,00
So if i login as ME i will be able to se that i have the customer guest1 with one sold product that was sold by 50 bucks.
Got my point?
What is the best way of doing it?
For now I'm considering the following guide: Claim Authentication with dynamic dimension security, but at that way I should define it attribute by attribute.
Is there a way that i can define this security need? I can easy filter the data using sql statements, but i have no ideia how i can apply this kind of security in the ssas.
Thank you guys anyway!