



Hi, I have a problem with TMUX key bindings. When I'm working on a terminal pane, if I press ctrl+pgup, it should scroll the screen one page up, as a normal terminal, but it doesn't.

Also, while using VIM, I have mapped to do some actions, but this key combination is not called.

Any TMUX expert there?.


Be sure that your shell and terminal are sending the appropriate escape sequences to one-another to indicate non-alphanumeric keys. For example, I use tmux with zsh in urxvt. I had quite a few problems with keys acting inappropriately (like enter insert mode and adding [3~) until I made sure my shell was communicating the appropriate key-bindings with:

# .zshrc
bindkey '\e[1~' beginning-of-line
bindkey '\e[4~' end-of-line
bindkey '\e[6~' down-line-or-search
bindkey '\e[5~' up-line-or-search
bindkey '\e[3~' delete-char

If this is your problem, yours are not likely to be the same, but you should be able to find resources specific to your shell and terminal emulator.

I too use zsh, with gnome-terminal, and I also have those key bindings. Without tmux the terminal works correctly, that's why I think my problem should be solved by modifying my .tmux.conf (but I don't know how).
Leonardo M. ramé
oh interesting. I'll have to keep thinking :)
+1  A: 

use the tmux command setw -g xterm-keys on

you may also need to add this to your ~/.vimrc

if &term == "screen"
    set t_kN=^[[6;*~
    set t_kP=^[[5;*~
Thanks again sleepynate, but it does not work. In VIM, when I press ctrl+pgup, instead of moving to previous tab, the text is changed to Upper Case. Also, in the zsh shell, when I press ctrl+pgup, a "~5" is shown.
Leonardo M. ramé
I must add, in my ~/.zshrc I have "bindkey -e"
Leonardo M. ramé <--- and you have all of these set?
Sleepynate, I added them to my .zshrc, but gave up on TMUX, I replaced it by Terminator.
Leonardo M. ramé