



I'm using PDT, but want to switch to any lightweit editor. First I want to try Textmate. Eclipse has several useful features:

  • class outlile to get list of properties and methods (with signature) to navigate;
  • type hierarchy, it is like class outlile but it shows full inheritance tree;
  • autocompletion for custom classes names, methods etc. (not only for standard functions);
  • go to declaration feature

Does Textmate provide this features, or is there bundles to get such functional?


TextMate has a 30 day trial, so give it a go and see how it is for you.

I use Coda, which has class outline and autocompletion for native PHP functions, but not custom classes.


no, i don't think there's any of these - Textmate is a text editor, not a full-blown IDE.

default php bundle provides autocompletion and code hints... but only for built-in functions.

"go to symbol" command brings up class and functions outline... but only for the current file.


You can get auto completion in TextMate for PHP using the tm-completion bundle. In doesn't work anything as good as what you might see in other IDEs like Eclipse or Visual Studio, xCode. But is works.

Standard PHP completion is supported. See the PHP Bundle -> Support -> Help

I've recently seen the same plugin working for Ruby as well.