I want to get a set of elements from a xml-file, but as soon the the elements involve namespaces, it fails.
This is a fragment of the xml file:
<gpx xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
version="1.0" creator="Groundspeak Pocket Query"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0/gpx.xsd http://www.groundspeak.com/cache/1/0 http://www.groundspeak.com/cache/1/0/cache.xsd"
<name>My Finds Pocket Query</name>
<desc>Geocache file generated by Groundspeak</desc>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<keywords>cache, geocache, groundspeak</keywords>
<bounds minlat="41.89687" minlon="5.561883" maxlat="70.669967" maxlon="25.74735" />
<wpt lat="62.244933" lon="25.74735">
<desc>Kadonneet ja karanneet by ooti, Traditional Cache (1.5/2)</desc>
<urlname>Kadonneet ja karanneet</urlname>
<sym>Geocache Found</sym>
<type>Geocache|Traditional Cache</type>
<groundspeak:cache id="1521507" available="True" archived="False" xmlns:groundspeak="http://www.groundspeak.com/cache/1/0">
<groundspeak:name>Kadonneet ja karanneet</groundspeak:name>
<groundspeak:owner id="816431">ooti</groundspeak:owner>
<groundspeak:type>Traditional Cache</groundspeak:type>
<groundspeak:short_description html="True">
<groundspeak:travelbugs />
I want to get all the grounspeak:cache
elements, but neither //groundspeak:cache
nor //cache
seems to return anything.
NSArray *caches = [self.xml nodesForXPath:@"//cache" error:&error];
Any clue?
Edit: Are there any cocoa-based software out there, where I can load my xml and test different xpaths? I'm quite new to objective-c and cocoa, so it would be nice to check that it is really my xpath that is wrong..