




Hi all:

i have written a programme like helloworld, is there any way i can commit project like it to a CVS server? It seems the project approved must meet some requirements, so i think the chance is tiny. Is there existing CVS server which allow beginners to host their "simple" project free.

Thanks in advance!

+2  A: 

You can host your own CVS server - which would make it free.

But now you are at it - why CVS? Personally I switched to Subversion a long time ago and then recently switched to Mercurial. imho any distributed version control system would do.

Is CVS some sort of requirement or just what you stumbled uppon first?

i meant that the approved project must abide by the requirements of the CVS server,which is sometimes not feasible for beginners.
+1  A: 

If your aim is to get used to source control systems, then just use your own PC as a local CVS server. It's not hard.

Also, CVS is outdated and has problems. I recommend SVN instead. Here's a guide to setting up SVN locally on Windows.

Stefan Monov
If you are hosting the repository on the local machine I really (x5) recommend using Mercurial (eg.).
@mbanzon: Why, what's special about Mercurial?
Stefan Monov
@Stefan Monov: the guide is for windows but i am using linux. Anyway thank you . Now i want to try mercurial, can it be integrated with eclipse ?
@Stefan Monov: In my personal work I prefer Mercurial because it gives me the posibility to clone and branch projects very easilly across multiply machines or on a single machine as I like.