Hello everybody i hope everybody is doin well, Actually i have a table in which i fetch the data from sqlite database,i have done the paging and filtering for the grid using perl,now i need to do the sorting. The way in which i want to do is "MAKE THE TABLE HEADERS AS HYPERLINK AND WHENEVER I CLICK THEM THEN IT SHOULD SORT THE TABLE IN ASCENDING OR DESCENDING "ORDER BY" THE COLUMN WHICH I CLICK. Please do let me know is it possible, if yes then please do guide me find the solution. HERE'S My Code. Thank You.
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use POSIX;
my $query = new CGI;
my $q = new CGI;
my $numofPages;
my $i;
my @overduedata;
my $pageN;
my @rows = ();
my $pageNum=$query->param('pageNum');
my $Id="";
my $Name="";
my @list;
my $var;
my $val;
my $filterexpression= " ";
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
$query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
@list = split( /\&/, $query);
foreach (@list) {
($var, $val) = split(/=/);
$val =~ s/\'//g;
$val =~ s/\+/ /g;
$val =~ s/%(\w\w)/sprintf("%c", hex($1))/ge;
($var, ' = ', $val,);
print <<END_HTML;
<form action="Filtering.cgi" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="Submit">
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:DEVICE.db","", "",
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1
unless($pageNum) {
my $offset;
unless($offset) {
if ( $q->param("Filter") )
my $Id=$q->param('User_Id');
my $Name=$q->param('User_Name');
if ($Id ne "" )
$filterexpression= $filterexpression." UserId like '" .$Id. "%' and " ;
if ($Name ne "" )
$filterexpression= $filterexpression." UserName like '" .$Name. "%' and " ;
$filterexpression= $filterexpression. " UserId > 0" ;
my $exp;
my $query =$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM UsersList " ." where ".
my $numOfRec=@$query ;
my $numofPages = ceil($numOfRec / $offset);
my $sql = "SELECT UserId,UserName,CardNo,GroupId,Role,VerifyType FROM UsersList " ."
where ". $filterexpression;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die("\n\nPREPARE ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
$sth->execute or die("\n\nQUERY ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
my $query=$dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT
UserId,UserName,CardNo,GroupId,Role,VerifyType FROM UsersList where '.
my $exp = @$query;
while (my ($UserId,$UserName,$CardNo,$GroupId,$Role,$VerifyType) = $sth-
my $startDisplay = ($pageNum)*$offset;
my $endDisplay = ($pageNum + 1 ) * $offset;
$i = $startDisplay;
my $sql = "SELECT UserId,UserName,CardNo,GroupId,Role,VerifyType FROM UsersList" ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die("\n\nPREPARE ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
$sth->execute or die("\n\nQUERY ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
print "<table class=\"tablestyle\">";
print "<tr border=1 style='background-color:#CDC9C9'>
<td class=\"tdstyle\" colspan=\"2\"></td>
<td><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/AddUser.cgi\">ADD</A></td>
<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"User_Id\" size=\"6\"></td>
<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"User_Name\" size=\"10\"></td>
<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Filter\" value=\"Filter\" ></td>
print "<tr class=\"trstyle1\"></tr>";
print "<tr class=\"trstyle2\">";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/Filtering.cgi?
Sortype=1\" class=\"hiddenlink\">$sth->{NAME}->[0]</A></th>";
print "<th colspan=\"2\" class=\"thstyle\">A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-
bin/Filtering.cgi?Sortype=2\" class=\"hiddenlink\">$sth->{NAME}->[1]</A></th>";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/Filtering.cgi?
Sortype=3\" class=\"hiddenlink\">$sth->{NAME}->[2]</A></th>";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/Filtering.cgi?
Sortype=4\" class=\"hiddenlink\">$sth->{NAME}->[3]</A></th>";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/Filtering.cgi?
Sortype=5\" class=\"hiddenlink\">$sth->{NAME}->[4]</A></th>";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-bin/Filtering.cgi?
Sortype=6\" class=\"hiddenlink\">$sth->{NAME}->[5]</A></th>";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"> EDIT</th>";
print "<th class=\"thstyle\"> DELETE</th>";
print "</tr>";
if($exp != 0)
while ($i < $endDisplay)
if($i == $exp){
print "<tr class=\"trstyle3\">
<td >" . $overduedata[$i]->{'UserId'} . "</td>
<td colspan=\"2\" >" . $overduedata[$i]->{'UserName'} . "</td>
<td>" . $overduedata[$i]->{'CardNo'} . "</td>
<td>" . $overduedata[$i]->{'GroupId'} . "</td>
<td>" . $overduedata[$i]->{'Role'} . "</td>
<td>" . $overduedata[$i]->{'VerifyType'} . "</td>
<td><A HREF=\"\">EDIT</A></td>
<td><A HREF=\"\">DELETE</A></td>
$i = $i + 1;
if ( $pageNum > 0 ) {
print q[<td><a href="Filtering.cgi?pageNum=0&Sortype=$val">|<</a></td>];
$pageN = $pageNum - 1;
print qq[<td><a href="Filtering.cgi?pageNum=$pageN&Sortype=$val"><</a></td>];
print q[<td><span class="currentpage">|<</span></td>];
print q[<td><span class="currentpage"><</span></td>];
if ( $pageNum < ( $numofPages - 1 ))
$pageN = $pageNum + 1;
print qq[<td><a href="Filtering.cgi?pageNum=$pageN&Sortype=$val">></a></td>];
print qq[<td><a href="Filtering.cgi?
else {
print q[<td><span class="currentpage">></span></td>];
print q[<td><span class="currentpage">>|</span></td>];
print "</table>";