



I'm looking at an interesting problem of deblurring motion blurred images. Rather than going for guesses of psf, I'm interested in finding out the actual blur parameters (angle and length). I was successful in finding angle of blur to a certain extent, and need a good technique for finding blur length. If any one has a good idea or code or reference to suggest, it will be helpful. I'm working with MATLAB.


This document covers MATLAB motion blur in images, and could be extended to video:

Bill Cheatham
hey thanks.. this i have already got.. this techniques uses psf approximation techniques.. I was actually looking for exact estimation of psf parameters like angle and length of blur.
hmmm... You may be better off trying on an image/video processing forum rather than a programming one for this advice, as it seems quite advanced and specific to the subject.
Bill Cheatham

Look for this article: "Robust Identification Of Motion And Out Of Focus Blur Parameters From Blurred And Noisy Images".

It's a Naive Method but might work for you.

thanks i already had it

The "actual blur parameters" are just a much higher order approximation to the point spread function than the angle/length, which would just be a simple 2d model of said function. If you are interested in angle/length, you could estimate the PSF with blind deconvolution and try to recover angle/length by modeling the PSF as a 2d Multivariate Gaussian.
