




Hi, This question is bit specific for joomla

I have a main menu consisting of : Home|About US|Privacy Policy|Portfolio|Contacts US. Each menu item is link to an article.

Now on the complete site there are many places in the components and modules where I need to show two links : Privacy Policy & Portfolio.

Can someone please guide me? I do not want to hard code the links as the item id would differ in production.

Thanks, Tanmay

+1  A: 

There are 2 ways you can do it:

Option 1:

Joomla loads menus every time page is loads. You can access the menus by calling the following methods.

// Get default menu - JMenu object, look at JMenu api docs
$menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();

// Get menu items - array with menu items
$items = $menu->getMenu();

// Look through the menu structure, once you understand it
// do a loop and find the link that you need.

This method is faster because you don't need to query database. Simple operation in memory.

Option 2:

Get it from the database. Either get menu link from jos_menu based on alias or something, or get article # from jos_content by article alias, then create the link

$db = JFactory::getDBO();

//  Load by menu alias
$query = "SELECT link FROM #__menu WHERE alias = 'privacy-policy'";
$url = $db->loadResult();
$url = JRoute::_($url);

//  Load by article alias
$query = "SELECT id FROM #__content WHERE alias = 'privacy-policy'";
$articleId = (int) $db->loadResult();
$url = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=$articleId");
Thanks Alex. I opted option 2

$menuitemid = JRequest::getInt( 'Itemid' );
if ($menuitemid)
    $menu = JSite::getMenu();
    $menuparams = $menu->getParams( $menuitemid );
    $params->merge( $menuparams );

$propvalue= $params->get('property_name');

this will not work because if you are in the component view the Itemid will be of the menu item that leads to the component. This is way off.


I was using the DB query as mentioned by Alex to grab the links for menu item. And this was working good.

Now I have changed it, not sure if its right way or not, but it works for me.

As I have created the alias, I have two fix menu items, so I am directly pointing to the alias, instead of searching through database. And as I have SEF URL ON, it directly takes me to that article :)

I hope, its not confusing and might help some one.

Thanks, Tanmay
