Hello All, We are a team of four CS undergrad seniors developing a mobile app (+ the web-based servicing architecture ofcourse) with the following intentions: (1) Its our Degree Project (Thus comes, UML Modeling, Documented Testing & other specification reports) (2) Our chance to learn & solve issues ranging from UI, data mining, AI, TO product-marketing!
At the end of the day, we wanna see many people globally, benefiting from it.
Could you please comment on the tool set we are using?
(1) Java + Eclipse + Android Plugin (ADT) & SDK (to start with) (2) Various web-services SDKs (3) On the server: ?? (dunno yet) (4) For other artifacts: IBM Rational Modeler
any resources you think shall be better/helpful? Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: We shortlisted UML/MDT extensions of Eclipse instead of IBM Rational Modeler