



If we have a before filter that's called initialize to initialize common variables, then those variables must be made into instance variables? Are there alternative ways of doing it?

Update: The situation is to validate some URL params, and set them. This used to be in one action, so everything can be done using local variables. But now, 3 actions essentially take the same params, so the code is moved to a private method validate_params, and called by using before_filter, but those local variables seem to have to be made into instance variables.

Can they be not made into instance variables? Are there frameworks / gems for validating URL params since the built-in validations are for Models.


Are there alternative ways of doing it?

Doing what, exactly? If you want a variable to be available to methods in the controller, then an instance variable would typically be appropriate. If you want to have a variable (or more likely a constant) available to all controllers, or to models and views, there are other techniques to accomplish that. We'll need more detail about the specific requirements to figure that out.


If you want variables initialized whenever you get a new instance of an object, you can override the initialize method instead of using a callback:

class Special < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessor :sauce

  def initialize(*args)
    @sauce ||= 'tomato'

Just don't forget to call super since ActiveRecords do a bunch of other stuff on initialization.

Andrew Vit