I need a recommendation of any sms gateway that supports binary sms and provides good api for implementation. thanks..
MX Telecom (OpenMarket) http://voiceshortcode.com/us/tech/sms/http/ref/data
Phill Pafford
2010-09-29 13:23:21
InfoBip (we use them), 24/7 free, live and helpful support (various channels) http://www.infobip.com/ :P
Kyle Hudson
2010-10-05 10:39:52
Nexmo.com, The Low Cost SMS API, we are currently in private beta but happy to help. Below are my contact details.
Tony Jamous
Nexmo.com, Low Cost SMS API Prices: nexmo.com/ratecard
twitter: @nexmo Skype: tony.jamous e-mail: tony.jamous @ nexmo.com
Tony Jamous
2010-10-05 11:13:15