I'm using dcramer's fork of django-paypal and I've been successful in setting it up until now. I tried to connect 'paypal.pro.signals.payment_was_successful' to a listener I wrote but it sends the signal multiple times which is causing errors in my application. I've tried adding the 'dispatch_uid' to my connect statement but it still sends it multiple times... What am i doing wrong? Should I even be using this signal?
It's pretty straightforward at the moment. I registered the signal in my app's init.py
in init.py
from paypal.pro.signals import payment_was_successful
from listeners import paypal_payment_processed
in listeners.py
def paypal_payment_processed(sender, **kwargs):
print 'signal called'
then my view for the django-paypal wrapper contains the following:
def apartment_store_lease_step_4_content(request, apartment_id, lease_obj):
item = {
"amt": total,
"custom": lease_obj.id ,
"cancelurl" : "OMITTED",
"returnurl" : "OMITTED"
ctx = {
"lease_purchase" : lease_obj,
"contract" : contract
kw = {
"item" : item,
"payment_template" : "OMITTED",
"confirm_template" : "OMITTED",
"success_url" : "OMITTED",
"context": ctx
ppp = PayPalPro(**kw)
return ppp(request)
2010-09-27 03:28:59
Once PayPal responds, I see "signal called" twice in the output.
2010-09-27 03:33:37