I have a button that performs an ajax post -- I want to disable the button, then perform my work, then upon completion -- I want to re-enable the button. My interaction includes swapping out the image button (to a grayed out image button), and presenting a spinner. When complete, I hide the spinner and restore the original button image.
My approach includes unbinding, then rebinding the click event.
Here's my code -- it works great -- but, I want to know if this is a proper/efficient/acceptable strategy?
// Update club name
$j('#btnUpdateClubName').bind('click', updateClubName);
function updateClubName() {
var $this = $j(this);
var $spinner = $this.next('.spinner');
var renderURL = RES.BuildClubUpdateURL("UpdateClubName");
$this.ajaxStart(function() {
$this.attr("src", imgPathSaveAndUpdateBtnDisabled).unbind('click').addClass('wait-cursor');
$j.ajax({ type: "POST", data: $j('#hidStandingOrderId, #txtClubName, #clubOrderIdEditClubName').serialize(), url: renderURL, dataType: 'html', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
success: function(data) {
// do some stuff
$this.ajaxComplete(function() {
$this.attr("src", imgPathSaveAndUpdateBtn).bind('click', updateClubName).removeClass('wait-cursor');