It seems than your question is about two decisions:
1 - what approach to use for an ajaxed form?
2 - what tool or approach to use for a modal form?
I use jquery tools overlay for a modal form and RJS with UJS approach. This is a live example of update.js.haml
with flash messages and inline errors:
$('#flash').html('#{escape_javascript(render 'layouts/partials/flash', :flash => flash)}').slideDown();
- if @variant.errors.any?
$('#data_form').html('#{escape_javascript(render(:partial => "form"))}');
- else
$('ul.data_grid .list li[id="#{}"]').replaceWith('#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "variant", :locals => { :variant => @variant })}');
I found that rendering form with error using partials is pretty simple and you can reuse your code. In the code above 2 application-wide javascript methods for modal form: close and init:
var ModalForm = {
init: function(){
mask: {
color: '#335f97',
loadSpeed: 100,
opacity: 0.5
closeOnClick: false,
target: '#modal_form',
fixed: false,
left: 135,
top: 0,
onClose: function() {
close: function(){
var ol = $(this).data("overlay");
There is only one issue with the code above: the modal form can be higher than visible part of screen (when overlay fixed) or higher than parent document (when overlay is not fixed) but it's not difficult to workaround it storing, adjusting and restoring original height of parent element.