Hi everybody ::- ).
I'm trying to add some scroll bars to a Sprite using ScrollRect. The Sprite starts empty and when I add something at 500, 500, it should scroll, as it is outside the viewport. Unfortunately, adding a 10x10 Sprite at 500, 500, doesn't make my Sprite change its size to 510, 510, but to 10, 10 ::- (.
We all know that DisplayObjectContainers resize according to what's put in them. But I didn't know up until today that if you put something at 500, 500, the Sprite / DObjContainer will NOT resize from 0, 0 to 500, 500, but simply jump directly at 500, 500. Annoying, as I cannot put Scrollbars on something whose content fluctuates so. I need 0, 0 to remain 0, 0 and if something is placed at 500, 500, the sprite's height should increase with 500 + that something's height.
Ideas? Insight?
Thank you in advance ::- D, Scrollmasters ::- D.